NEWS - Black Friday around the World

This is a [high-intermediate] piece of news

2020 has been a rough year for sales. Black Friday was no exception.

With many shopping centers and stores closed, or either having limited entry, most people weren’t able to go line up for their favourite discount products. This has made Black Friday go a little bit unnoticed.

Many stores, specially online, have been trying to hold sales since the beginning of November to prevent the rush of orders they usually get, but this only made most people wait for the “real” sale that never came.

As many families around the world usually get their Christmas gift around this time, this year children might not get the gifts they have been wishing for. It remains to be seen if until Christmas Eve we will be getting a few more promotions that would definitely help brighten up a Christmas in this otherwise dark year.


■ Rough: 荒い、荒れた

■ Unnoticed: 気づかれにくい

■ Prevent: 避ける

■ It remains to be seen: まだ分かっていない、引き続き注目したい

■ Brighten up: 輝かせる、明るくする








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