NEWS - Twitter’s Edit Button

This is a high-intermediate level piece of news.

Twitter users have been asking for an edit button for several years.

Other platforms like Facebook or Instagram already have this function, but many people were worried about Twitter getting it as well. For example, people can like a tweet they agree with, and then that tweet can be edited to something they don’t agree with. Or a tweet could go viral because it is interesting, they then by editing it people could use that tweet’s reach to spread fake information, etc.

However, Twitter announced that tweets will only be able to be edited a few times for up to 30 minutes after being posted. Not only that, but edited tweets will also have a special logo and timestamp so you can you easily see they were edited and when they were edited. Furthermore, users can see those tweet’s “edit history” to see the previous versions.

This new feature has been tested internally for over one year, and soon subscribers of the paid Twitter Blue service will be able to try it as well.

Twitter plans to release this service slowly and 1 group at a time to be able to monitor the feedback and fix any problems that might appear.


■ To spread: 広まる、広める、拡散する

■ Up to: ~まで

■ Furthermore:さらに

■ To monitor:モニターする、監視測定する







この新機能については、一年以上掛けて社内でテストが重ねられてきており、近い内に、有料サービスTwitter Blueの登録者たちも同機能を試すことができるようになる。


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