NEWS - Switzerland Built the Longest Train in the World

This is a high-intermediate level piece of news.

To celebrate the 175th anniversary of Switzerland's first railway, Rhaetian Railway organized the attempt to build the world's longest-ever passenger train.
It is 100 cars, connecting 25 trains, almost two kilometers long and weighs 2,990 tonnes.

The train took almost an hour to cover 25 kilometers of the UNESCO World Heritage Albula Line in Switzerland. Even though the 65-kilometer Albula line is famous for having many curves, very steep ups and downs, 55 bridges and 39 tunnels, it only took around 5 years to build it.

According to Andreas Kramer, the lead driver, preparations started several months before the first departure. This was because it was necessary to have a perfect synchronization between everyone at all times in order to keep an even speed.
To be able to do this they had a special intercom connecting the 25 trains which allowed all cars to match the acceleration and deceleration.

During the test runs there were some problems including not working intercoms and break malfunctions, but these issues were fixed, and the first departure was successful.

To celebrate the event a festival was held where 3000 guests could enjoy some food and watch the ride via live TV feed.


■ Steep: 急勾配の、険しい

■ Ups and downs: アップダウン

■ Synchronization: シンクロすること、同時に動くこと

■ Via: ~を通して









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