NEWS – London supplies all elementary school children with free meals

This is an advanced level piece of news.

Due to the most recent struggle the British people are having to afford basic necessities, London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan announced that all children attending state primary schools would get free meals.

This program will help around 270.000 students that are not eligible for free meals at the moment due to the strict criteria. Not only that, but this program will change the view people have that only people will low income get free food.

Because of the recent inflation in the UK people not only have trouble buying food but also paying electricity bills, etc.

Many food banks said that they had an increase of 85% demand comparing to last year, and many of the people asking for support were doing so for the first time. This shows that many more people are having trouble affording necessities.


■ Necessities: 必需品

■ State: 州

■ Eligible: 資格のある

■ Criteria: 基準

■ Inflation: インフレーション

■ Food banks: フードバンク







多くのフードバンクが、昨年と比較して 85% の需要増加があり、支援を求めている人々の多くが初回利用であると伝えている。以前より多くの人々が生活必需品を手に入れるのに苦労していることが分かる。

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