NEWS - World’s first 3D-printed mosque in Dubai

This is a high-intermediate level piece of news.

The new mosque will have 2 floors, 2000 square meters, and around 600 worshipers will be able to go in.

Its construction will begin this year and is expected to be finished in 2025.

3D-printing can be done using several different materials, but the mosque will be made from a concrete mix.

According to Alhalyan Alsuwaidi, head of engineering at the Dubai Government's Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department, they chose 3D-printing because it’s an innovative technology that could potentially save a lot of time and resources.

In 2018 Dubai decided to become the 3D-printing capital of the world and launched a “3D-Printing Strategy” that planned for 25% of the emirate’s new buildings to be 3D-printed by 2030.

Not only Dubai, but several other countries have invested in 3D-printed buildings in recent years. For example, Jordan built houses for refugees, Texas for homeless people, and Mexico even built entire neighborhoods for people who live in poverty.

Another big reason for the increase in 3D-printing is the lack of skilled construction workers.

Even though there is a high demand, the number of skilled workers has been decreasing. This will lead to higher costs and delays in construction schedules.


■ Worshipers: 崇拝者

■ Charitable: 慈善の、慈悲深い

■ Innovative: 革新的な

■ Poverty: 貧困










3D プリント増加のもう 1 つの大きな理由は、熟練した建設労働者の不足だ。高まる需要に対して、熟練建設労働者の数は減っている。このことが、コストの増加と建設スケジュールの遅延に繋がる。

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