NEWS - Robot Maestro

This is an intermediate piece of news.

For the first time in South Korea, a humanoid android robot conducted a full orchestra.

The robot, EveR 6, created by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, lead 3 of the 5 pieces played, and co-conducted one piece with Choi Soo-yeoul.

According to Choi, EveR 6 was able to move much better and with much more detail than he imagined. However, some people said that the robot's biggest weakness was the fact that he couldn't make the orchestra engage collectively and instantly.

Choi believes the robot's weaknesses are due to the fact that it can't listen to the music.

Some people believe this can be fixed if they introduce A.I in EveR 6.

In recent years, with the rise of robots and the popularity of A.I, there are many who fear that many tasks will start being handled by robots.

However, Choi said that this is a great example of how humans and robots "can co-exist and complement each other, rather than one replacing the other”


■ To conduct:指揮する、案内する

■ To engage:(歯車などを)かみ合わせる、従事する

■ To fear:恐れる






チェ氏によると、EveR 6は想像していたより遥かに細かくスムーズな動きをしたという。しかし、EveR 6の最大の弱点はオーケストラを瞬時かつ集団的にまとめることができなかったことだという声もある。


EverR 6にAIを導入すればその問題が解決すると考える人もいる。

近年、ロボットの数やAIの人気の上昇とともに、多くの仕事がロボットに任されるようになると恐れる人も少なくない。 しかし、チェ氏は、今回の出来事が、どちらかをどちらかに置き換えるということではなく、人間とロボットが共存し、互いを補い合うことができることの良い例だと言う。

I hope you enjoyed today’s news and were able to learn not only a few new words, but perhaps also get some new information.

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