NEWS - Tradition meets A.I in India's Carpet Industry

This is an intermediate piece of news.

Kashmir is famous for its traditional handwoven carpets.

These carpets are created with an ancient symbolic code, which is called talim.

First, a designer designs the carpet, and then a talim expert writes the code with instructions to then send it off for weaving.

The code is divided into small sections, so the weaver would have to decode it piece by piece, often not being able to understand the total design until the carpet was finished.

This would of course take a long time to decode and then weave, many times leading to mistakes or realizing some problems later in the weaving process.

Correcting it was of course very hard, because they would need the designer to review the carpet and get the talim expert to code it again.

Nowadays computer A.I has streamlined the process, allowing weavers to produce in 6 weeks carpets that would usually take 6 months to finish.

The purpose of this new technology is not to change the artistic essence of the art but to speed up the process.

Aby Mathew, chief operating officer at International Virtual Assistance, a computer software firm specializing in analyzing data says the A.I is still being developed so there is still the need for someone to input the code, but he believes that this speed up the decoding of the talim instructions.

As India grows richer, the industry is struggling to meet demand.

"The Indian carpet industry is an interesting case, where it is not only about moving forward with new tech, but rather moving the old and the new hand in hand.", Mr. Mathew says.


■ Handwoven: 手織りの

■ Decode: コードを解読する













インドが富裕国になるにつれて、業界は需要をみたすのに苦労している。 「インドのカーペット産業は、新しいテクノロジーで前に進むのみならず、古いものと新しいものが手を取り合って進んでいく面白い事例だ。」とマシュー氏は述べる。

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